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  • €24.00 - €97.00

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Agraria Olive Oil

The breezes of Lake Garda, which mitigate the rigors of the Alps, allowed to grow olive trees in this area - near the 46th Parallel - the most northern area in the world, where for centuries olive trees grow. The special microclimate, a Mediterranean oasis nestled in the Dolomite Mountains, allows to produce high quality extra virgin olive oils with unique features, who reached the best national and international awards. The methods of cultivation, cured by the agronomists of Agraria, together with the experience and passion of each grower, allows to maintain high standards. The Frantoio (Mill), founded in 1965, is today an innovative machinery, constantly updated with technical changes and personalized experience making it a avant-garde and trendy model. In 1998 was the first mill to produce extra virgin olive oil DOP Garda Trentino and since 2009 is certified for organic production. Agraria embodies the 65% of the production of olive oil of the Garda Trentino. The growers are about 80 members and the mill presses the olives of about 1,200 local growers. Each batch is pressed individually and cold-extracted at a controlled temperature. Between 6,000 and 8,500 quintals the olives processed annually, while the olive trees controlled by Agraria are 85,000 on about 270 hectares.

Agraria oil

Agraria Olive Oil

There are 3 products.

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  • Cultivar: Casaliva
€40.00 Da

Uliva, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Garda Trentino DOP


ULIVA is characterized by its excellent quality.

The selection of extra virgin olive oil DOP Garda Trentino is dedicated to chefs, food and wine lovers, experts and lovers of good food and oil tasters, sensitive to the quintessence and uniqueness of products that are closely tied to the country of origin.


46° Parallelo, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Monovarietale Casaliva


BLUE as the water color of lakes and oceans, as typical for 46°Parallelo, as Casaliva is for us.

The oil is produced only with the selected autochthonous Casaliva olives, early picked and pressed for increasing the polyphenols content

Among the polyphenols of extra virgin olive oil a particular molecule has been isolated which has analgesic properties and acts as a natural anti-inflammatoryThis makes the extra virgin olive oil particularly suitable for those who use their body intensively.