Garda DOP Orientale Extra Virgin Olive Oil
This extra virgin olive oil comes from olives grown near Malcesine on Lake Garda where climate, type of olive, terrain and the wisdom of traditions give us superb and highly appreciated olive oil.
Imperiale, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Garda Trentino DOP
DOP Garda Trentino Extra Virgin Olive Oil inspired by the area\'s Hapsburg rich influence in the history of the Upper Lake Garda region and reflecting the ties with the Imperial Austrian Court and the territory. This is an oil that goes above and beyond the DOP regulations yet offers a good price/quality rapport, and makes an excellent gastronomic souvenir.
Uliva, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Garda Trentino DOP
ULIVA is characterized by its excellent quality.
The selection of extra virgin olive oil DOP Garda Trentino is dedicated to chefs, food and wine lovers, experts and lovers of good food and oil tasters, sensitive to the quintessence and uniqueness of products that are closely tied to the country of origin.
Uliva 1111, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Garda Trentino DOP
Una linea selezionata di olio extra vergine d\'oliva DOP Garda Trentino che si caratterizza per l\'eccellenza qualitativa. Linea riservata ad enogastronomi, chef, esperti ed amanti della buona cucina e degustatori d\'olio.