The Pieropan business was founded in 1880 in the heart of the medieval village of Soave, in the historic Palazzo Pullici. Four generations marked the history of the company, each with their own contributions which varied according to the times, knowledge and entrepreneurial attitude...
...The wine business started with Leonildo, physician of Soave, who was driven by knowledge in biology and chemistry and began working in the family vineyards and whose work in the cellars was carried on by his sons, Fausto and Gustavo who worked with infinite passion.
Gustavo was deeply dedicated to the handcrafted activities in the cellar.
In the years 50's-60's all the production process was done by hand.
The intertwining of vines continues to be the lifeblood that fuels the Pieropan style and mission. The first fifth-generation leaflets have already blossomed, fuelled by deep roots and solid, well established branches... The future looks hopeful and bright.