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Grape varieties

Grape varieties

Feudo Disisa

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Tradition, authenticity and quality are the production guidelines by Feud Disisa.
Feudo Disisa offers to his consumers the opportunity to take an imaginary journey to the lands of Sicily, discovering the characteristics of a unique territory...

Disisa Estate is situated in Sicily, in the territory of Monreale (a province of Palermo),at about 400-500 mt above the sea level. The business centre, the dominant part of the estate, is near an old Saracen tower , restored by the Di Lorenzo family. From this tower the Saracens controlled, as it is still possible today, the whole territory of the Jato and the Belice which extends from the mountains of the province of Corleone to the Gulf of Castellammare. The Estate extends for 400 hectares and is situated in the area of Alcamo Doc and Monreale Doc as regards the wine industry production; as regards the olive oil production it is in the territory of "Val di Mazzara" Dop. Since 1970 the Di Lorenzo's, with the cooperation of the Istituto Regionale della Vite e del Vino, have carried out a large- scale experimentation to test the adaptability of the most important national and international grape varieties to the Sicilian soil and climate.
To grow Chardonnay or Muller Thurgau in Sicily was not an easy job, but it was a stimulating challenge carried out with pioneering spirit which has had extraordinary results. Disisa can boast the first and oldest vineyard of Chardonnay grapes in Sicily. In the Disisa Estate, the Chardonnay, thanks to the generosity of the soil, to the climate , to the intensity of the sun and the dedication and passion of the family, has acquired, year after year, new special shades in colour, unique bouquets which make it an excellent, unique wine.

The name Disisa probably derives from the Arabic word "Aziz" - "the Splendid". Already in 1200 when Sicily was a land of conquest the emirs who came from the desert found the Paradise of the earth in this valley. And they sang the beauty of the most fertile countryside in the "Conca d'Oro", for its water ways and shade, for the scents of the wild vegetation, for its fountains and palm trees, for its cultivated fields.
Then, under the Normans, William II donated the estate which had been built by the Archbishop of Monreale. An ancient bilingual act - transcribed in Arabic and Latin - records that, since 1182, the Disisa farm belonged to the diocese of Monreale. The Archbishropic then gave it in emphyteusis to an aristocratic family of Palermo, rigidly establishing the conditions of management and authorizing the cultivation of vines (which was explicitly forbidden in the other farms of the area ).
When the feudal privileges were abolished and the temporal power of the Archbishopric came to an end, the Disisa feud was purchased by the archpriest Nicolò Di Lorenzo,and since then its history has been connected with the Di Lorenzo family.
The fertility of these lands, well known since ancient times, even influenced popular imagination exaggerating its productivity and giving birth to a legend about a treasure, commonly known as "Lu Bancu di Disisa" (Disisa's Bank).
Two famous researchers in popular traditions: Salvatore Salomone Marino and Giuseppe Pitrè mention this legend in their works.

Feudo Disisa

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