We currently use the "GLS" and "DHL" couriers service for all shipments. Delivery times vary according to destination but generally vary between 24-48 hours for Italy and 48-72 hours for the rest of Europe (working days).
Shipping costs will be calculated automatically once a shipping address is included and appear on the order form. Before this the most economic shipping cost is shown. Shipping costs include VAT.
All our products are securely packaged.
Bottles are despatched in polystyrene containers to ensure adequate protection during transit and from excessive changes in temperature. Once the bottles are unpacked, the containers can be used in your cellar.
Following delivery of the goods, we recommend checking your order for breakages etc, as soon as possible. Any breakages or other mistakes with the order should be reported immediately to the courier if evident at the time of delivery, and to ourselves via e-mail. If you are not able to examine the goods, you must sign the delivery note "not examined" and advise us within ten days of any damage or mistakes with the order. The costs of replacement will be borne exclusively by ourselves.
The following destinations include extra charges for customs duty:
- Andorra, Ceuta (Sp), Channel Island (Gb), Gibraltar, Melilla (Sp) Canary Islands (Sp), Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey and all European destinations etra € 21.00 Switzerland-€ 42.00